About us

Digital forests and real forests hands by hands

With FSOS, the digital forests and real forests can work together hands by hands effectively, the digitals forests accumulate knowledge, learn from history, explore future opportunities, generate strategies to create desired future forests. The real forests follow the digital forests to implement on the ground and feedback new information, the digital forests adapt and rebalance automatically.

Visual and intuitive interface

FSOS is easy to learn because of the highly visual and highly interactive interface.

Cloud-based team working platform.

The cloud-based http://fsos.ca is an effective team working platform. You can work on the same projects no matter where you are and what devices you are using.

The seamless integration between strategic plans and operational plans

The forest modelling platform http://fsos.ca is desired forest driven, the operational plans are integrated with the strategic plans, the strategies can be fully implemented on the ground.

Cut blocks and roads are dynamic and optimized simultaneously.

The sizes and shapes of cut blocks are dynamic and optimized together with road layouts simultaneously in FSOS. You never need to think the roads first or the cut blocks first.

Patch sizes and shapes are driving the cut blocks.

The patch sizes and shapes of any defined indicators are dynamic and optimized for the entire planning horizon together with cut blocks. The cut blocks are driven by future patching strategies.

FSOS comes with all the GIS tools you need for spatial modelling.

You update the models instead of rebuilding the models. You never need to rebuild models from scratch again once you have built a model with FSOS, you only need to feed the new information to the models, the models will adapt and rebalance automatically because of the seamless integration between forest models and GIS functions.

Natural disturbance risk is considered in the forest planning.

Natural disturbance, harvest, silviculture and regeneration are considered simultaneously (temporally and spatially) subject to multiple sustainable objectives including wood supply, economic contribution, carbon storage, wildlife habitat, biodiversity, visual quality, and the potential risks of fires, insects and diseases. The risks of fires, diseases and insects can be greatly reduced because of the seamless integrations between natural disturbance resilience and long-term management strategies.

Seamless integration between forest landscapes and stands

The digital forests accumulate knowledge and learn from history automatically. It can help you to generate stand growth & yield curves because of the seamless integration between landscapes and trees.

The carbon storages in the forests and wood products are included in the planning.

The carbon storage and sequestration capacities of the forests are optimized together with other objectives in FSOS. The carbon storage capacities in the wood products from the forests are included in the optimization.

Who We Are

We are a group of people who build digital systems to mimic real systems. The virtual system can help us understand, explore, optimize, and design the real system. The real system follows the virtual systems to implement in the real systems and feedback. The virtual systems adjust and rebalance automatically. The virtual systems and the real systems work together, hands by hands, a complex system can be fully formed as an autonomous driving system.

our Products


Forest Simulation Optimization System (FSOS)

FSOS is developed for multiple-objective forest analysis and planning. You can see the future forests, explore opportunities and generate strategies to create desired future forests. Forest carbon storage capacity is one of the objectives in FSOS.


Field Data Collection (FC)

The Field Data Collection and Landscape Modeling are integrated, you can design your own field data collector and cloud data storage system. In the cloud, you can define a field data collection task including tables, points, lines, polygons, photos, videos and assign the task to field crews. The field crews can login and collect data in the field. The data can be stored in the mobile devices and uploaded to the cloud database when the internet connection is available.

our Technology

Artificial intelligence

AI technologies are used to generate strategies to achieve and balance a number of objectives with millions of variables and constraints.

Big data

The system accumulates data and learns itself; the future work is easier and better.


Customize and support cloud-based forest landscape modeling platforms.

HPC cloud computing

EasyCloud is a high-performance computing framework. The idea behind EasyCloud is to build a HPC computing cluster using spare computers in the cloud or the private network whenever you need at any places with low cost. The low performance computers work together and become a high-performance computing cluster. The objective of developing EasyCloud is to meet the Artificial Intelligence iterative calculation needs and reduce the software development difficulties.

Contact us

Location: 3150 Chaucer Ave, North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7K2C3(Google Map).

3150 Chaucer Ave, North Vancouver,
BC, Canada V7K2C3